Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cosmetic Science : The Religion

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."  Einstein

Cosmetic science without biology is lame, biology without cosmetic science is useless.

Cosmetic science is supposedly at a point where it can identify the optimum ingredients that can help reverse the merciless hands of time. Not, really. Minimum, not cosmetic products as we see them marketed.

If you are just starting out or are unsure whether DIY skin care  is for you, rest assured, it's not for many skin care companies either. You have to decide for yourself if your skin is important enough. Decided? Yes, my skin is important enough. Therefore, I agree that beauty is more than skin deep and that something to do with biology/  science is important. Education in the fundamental  biological mechanisms is what it takes to stay at the forefront with every cosmetic formulation and personal care product. But what if you don't have a degree in science? Don't worry, most cosmetic scientists don't either! No college degree, no university degree is required! You have the same chance of success at creating the Fountain of Youth in a Cheap Plastic Bottle as they do. It may require a bit of trial and error correcting your method, but you'll create something nice. Some basic tools, become familiar with your equipment and the basic technology of creating a lotion and you are standing rather well more advanced then many give themselves credit for. Are you motivated?

i.e. Water + Oil + Emulsifier = Lotion/ serum/ body butter
[ensure against micro-flora/ fauna, add a preservative]
Active ingredients.

Cosmetic science is a sophisticated field of study that applies the principles of chemistry and pharmaceutics to the development of all types of body and personal care products, hair care, skin care products and makeup. Cosmetic science is developing and evolving daily, with the constant introduction of new active ingredients that presumably assist in the optimal functioning of our skin, rejuvenating those aging adult stem cells and mitigating the damage of exposure to the sun. Or so the story goes.

From  DIY face lifting masks, desperate wishing  and daydreaming  it would seem that cosmetic science is the most relevant of them all.  Formulators can make any lotion feel like anything they want. Sensorial appeal is  of utmost importance, fragranced or unfragranced.  Cosmetic science is now relatively well developed and can be used to minimize the risk of substance irritation, reduce chance of contamination or maximize the efficacy of cosmetic ingredients. Or so we are led to believe. The reality is glaringly the opposite with respect to the latter.

Cosmetic science is devoted to the enhancement of perceived physical beauty. Stimulating those fibroblasts  to produce more collagen and elastin is the Holy Grail of cosmetic science. The world of cosmetic science is growing fast and furious and it is helping cosmetic companies fatten up the bottom line. The latest breakthrough in  cosmetic science  is that of the miraculous age defying ability of "name that fantastic flotsam" and the marketing story, repleat with celebrity endorsement.  Cosmetic  science as it appears  to function from the consumer point of view, is purely a guide as to what is likely to not  cause irritation,  preserve from contamination nor separate in the bottle.  Not much comfort. This is not true for all products, just the vast majority. For those that are potentially effective, keep reading...

Modern cosmetic science promises to gently yet effectively produce products to unveil the youthful vitality lurking within each aging consumer.   One of the latest innovations now in the cosmetic science is the use of serum  products. Reduced the amount of fillers?   Science, especially cosmetic science is purely a guide,  as to what is  supposedly likely to be beneficial. However given the current marketing conundrum, the FDA and the 7% -15% maximum expenditure allowed to a cosmetic scientist to formulate an effective product with a  1000% + profit margin.  We're out of luck for the most part.   Most are utterly useless as anything but moisturizers. To be fair one can't blame the formulator for that. It's h/is/er job to formulate what ever the client requests.

One would have to have faith in cosmetic science, sculpt a belief around technologies of the psychologies and desires of the consumer. Charge outrageous amounts of money for the story behind the mystical byproduct of bacterial metabolism on a substrate of sacred parameters and market it accordingly. That category falls under Marketing Science. This acts to increase the price, ramps up the emotional sore points, tweaks on one's desires and promises to deliver results with out plastic surgery. We are to have confidence in the cosmetic science and training of the forumlator/s to improve our appearance. Professional marketing takes no prisoners and from what is apparent, with all the free shipping world wide, the mark up is truly beyond substantial. It's a dream.

The medical industry offering various surgical procedures is far more reluctant to make such fantastic claims. But the cosmetic industry shows no such hesitance.

Cosmetic companies,  their promises and marketing are an advanced technology in the manipulation of the psychological parameters that motivate people to buy their cosmetic products.  Cosmetic is precisely what they are. For were they not, they are to be classified as drugs. And this is where the FDA spins into itself and its own definitions. Fortunately there exist several escape clauses. This affords signficant marketing power to companies. From the DIY stand point, none of that is relevant. We are at liberty to formulate for maximum effectiveness. Step out of the realm of "cosmetic" and into the beauty where nature is science. Increase the probablity of positive effect. It remains similar, but fundamentally different.

"Nature hides her secret because of her essential loftiness, but not by means of ruse."

Nature is Science.